I’ts always lovely to receive feedback, so thank you to everyone who takes the time to write to me about the site and the help they’ve gained. If you would like to add a testimonial to this page please email me here.
If you feel that you need personalised help please see the Work with me page for more information.
Some kind words follow from people who have used my site and services…
Feedback from health professionals...
For whatever reason(s) medical professionals understanding of nutrition remains in the dark ages. Given its fundamental central role in health and its immensely complex absorption and utilisation the understanding of Vitamin B12 is particularly hard hit by this level of ignorance in the health sector. Tracey’s website and blog is a vital and truly excellent source of light in this situation and I commend her for all her great efforts. Thank you.
Dr David Morris (GP)
I am amazed at the effect you have had on the nurses and students in North Wales Tracey – this is true public/patient engagement at its best! Thank you so much and please keep up the good work even if we wear you out with our constant questions!
Dr Marjorie Ghisoni Phd, Bangor University.
Marjorie also details what she had learned from my work with both her colleagues and students at Bangor University and the RCN North Wales on her own blog titled The cost of compassionless care.
I still find it hard to truly understand why B12 deficiency is not top of the NHS agenda when we have so much Dementia, Autism, MS and other neurological conditions. B12 deficiency may be a primary deficiency of these conditions and as such is treatable and these conditions are only the tip of the iceberg.
Tracey is an angel to B12 deficiency sufferers. She works tirelessly to bring B12 deficiency to the attention of medics, scientists and the general public. She knows how and where to source. She can save you months of internet trawling because she has sorted the wheat from the chaff when it comes to good information.
Anne Pemberton, Nutrigenomics and functional medicine Practitioner
Tracey Witty is a compassionate advocate for people suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency. We highly recommend her dedication in helping people receive a proper diagnosis and treatment. Tracey is friendly, passionate and determined to assist those who are being mistreated. She is angel from the U.K. fighting the good fight!
Sally Pacholok, RN, BSN & Jeffrey Stuart, DO USA
I was fortunate to meet Tracey on a course many years ago and as a Nutritional Therapist I was delighted when she set up this incredibly useful resource to which I’ve often referred myself, and recommended regularly to clients.
Recently my daughter had blood tests revealing a B12 level which was scarily low at 104 and yet her Dr refused to treat her with B12 injections. I contacted Tracey for advice and she contacted the surgery on my daughters behalf. I am delighted to say that as a result of her correspondence my daughter is now receiving B12 injections from her surgery, currently on alternate days in accordance with NICE guidelines.
Tracey has been extremely supportive throughout and I cannot thank her enough for her help in getting my daughter the treatment she needed.
I am fully aware of the long term consequences of sub-optimal levels of nutrients and particularly the devastating effect undiagnosed B12 deficiency can have on long term health. It saddens me that any disorder related to nutritional deficiencies is given so little credibility by the medical establishment when it easily be corrected and could prevent so much ill health in the future.
I have nothing but admiration for Tracey who has taken her own experiences and used them as a means of helping so many others, empowering them to take charge of their own health and well-being.
Thank you again Tracey!
Liz McWatt RGN.DNMed
For health to recover fully, there needs to be a willingness to delve into the causes of the problem – only then can a solution be found. Tracey specialises in helping people to search for the roots of their illness and find practical ways to recover their health. B12 deficiency is increasing in prevalence due to an ageing population, western diets leading to a rise in autoimmunity and many common prescription drugs preventing B12 absorption. Her work continues to inform and educate people to take charge of their own health and be informed about the available treatment options.
Dr Sarah Davies (GP)
My own experience of B12 deficiency is in complete accord with what Tracey is saying … as is the case for so many others, initially my symptoms were vague. But they worsened insidiously over several years, and although I’m a health professional (I am a licensed acupuncturist with many hours of conventional ‘Western’ medical training) it wasn’t until I developed overt neurological and neuro-psychological issues that it occurred to me to question my B12 status.
And then one day, I landed on Tracey’s website. Wow! Here (at last) was the information that was missing. I devoured it in one sitting … the site was easy to read and the information was organised in a user friendly format with links to NHS, BNF and other guidelines, official research, medical journals, books and films. Furthermore, it was well written by someone who conveyed authority and urgency. I was really shocked by what I learned but, by following the advice, I was able to challenge my doctor’s opinion and secure appropriate levels of treatment. This was the start of a life changing journey back towards better health and fitness.
And now that I am aware of the issues surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency, I find that about half of the patients who come to me wondering if acupuncture might help them, are affected by it too. Tragically, most of these people have been to see their GP but the deficiency has not been picked up. They know something’s wrong but they don’t know what. They are often accused of spending too much time looking at ‘Dr Google’ or patronisingly labelled as the ‘worried well’. The NHS is failing these people and Tracey Witty is trying to change this.
Over the last 4-5 years I have met Tracey many times and we have become friends. I’ve been privileged to work with her too. In my eyes, she is ‘a bit of a legend’, and whether you’re a patient, relative or health professional wanting to know more about B12 deficiency, this is probably one of the most informative sites you’re ever likely to find. Dive in!
Susie Griffiths, Acupuncturist Lic Ac, MBAcC
Tracey is one of those truly special people that genuinely cares about spreading awareness of B12 deficiency, and helping those diagnosed with it. She has worked selflessly and tirelessly over the years, to help those in need. Her excellent website is a fantastic resource, full of information – for those wanting to learn more about B12 deficiency, as well helping those seeking a diagnosis and treatment. Tracey’s conference (held a few years ago), was an eye-opener, flawlessly presented, and a phenomenal CPD event.
If you’re thinking of hiring Tracey as a guest speaker to present at your medical conference – do not hesitate, as you won’t be disappointed. Tracey’s extensive knowledge, kindness, friendly, professional nature has been inspiring.
Keep up the great work!
Archna Shah, Chiropractor
Tracey was invited as a guest to a CPD event with the Academy of Physical Medicine which was described by the organisers as:
“One of the most important and informative live broadcasts we have done, giving a wealth of information not covered in medical training, and exposing the shortcomings of the conventional response. Addressing B12 deficiency properly would have HUGE medical and social benefits, but there is an equally huge problem: lack of awareness and recognition of this common condition.”
Tracey Witty... what can I say?!!! This lady is an absolute star...
Rebecca Winner U.K.
Tracey I can’t thank you enough, you literally saved my life...
Tracey I can’t thank you enough, you literally saved my life, after a year of battles and be denied vital treatment I can finally start to recover. I owe you my life and will be forever grateful to you. The world needs more people like you you put some of these docs to shame.
Rachael Soudah
Having liaised with Tracey and being a fortunate recipient of her knowledge...
Having liaised with Tracey and being a fortunate recipient of her knowledge, guidance and kindness, I can whole-heartedly say that she is at the top of her game… not just as a B12 expert, but as a human! It only takes a brief insight into her own life journey and story to quickly realise that Tracey is an exceptional lady. She embodies more than individual potential for strength, growth, recovery and change – she embodies the possibility of inspiring all of this in the human collective as well.
I can assuredly say that, with the growing evidence of B12 deficiency being an epidemic, Tracey – in her work – marries intellect with application, knowledge with compassion and science with a wider philosophy. Her experience and research renders her extremely valuable to the current and future needs of patients who may, like myself, feel let down by the medical profession. In my humble opinion, I cannot think of any B12-related case in which Tracey’s holistic and bespoke approach would not be valid. In short, I am grateful to Tracey for her support, in awe of all that she knows and manages to do, and ambitious that one day, I may also follow in such noble endeavours through my own work! Thank you for helping us through our journeys, Tracey – I am certainly better off for it!
Anay B
Tracey has been unbelievably supportive and was key...
Tracey has been unbelievably supportive and was key to getting my 14 year old daughter the vital treatment she so desperately needed.
I met Tracey in 2015 after my own battle with B12 and honestly didn’t know at the time that she would play such an important part of the battle ahead with my daughter’s health.
She had been symptomatic since she was 8 years old but all tests at the GP’s were not showing anything specific and her serum B12 level was 493. I paid privately for Active B12, Homocysteine and MMA testing and all showed my daughter had B12 deficiency but even with evidence showing this she was still denied treatment from my GP and paediatrician. They freely admitted it was because of a lack of knowledge on their part and they wouldn’t go against guidelines.
Tracey was very quick to call my GP practice on more than one occasion and spoke to them about how important it was to get my daughter on treatment quickly, Tracey also called the paediatrician and my local CCG as well as sending important clinical evidence/research via email on numerous occasions to help my case and get my daughter the treatment she needed.
Tracey was so calm and refused to give up till we got what we needed. Her knowledge on B12 is unbelievable! She spent so much time helping support me when I was at my lowest point and really struggling to get through to the health professionals I was dealing with who refused to believe that my daughter was B12 deficient.
The GP finally agreed to B12 injections and after a few hiccups and Tracey’s advice yet again on changing from folic acid to methylfolate my daughter is now doing well and starting to enjoy things in her life instead of struggling every single day.
I can honestly say if it hadn’t have been for Tracey and her help and support I don’t know how I would have coped. She is a wonderful, selfless, knowledgeable person who is absolutely committed to helping others to fight to be acknowledged, listened to and treated properly.
Tracey I don’t think we can ever express how grateful we both are, you are truly amazing!!!!
Claire Gray
Hearing someone say, 'I understand'...
Hearing someone say, ‘I understand….someone who has previously experienced b12 deficiency and could articulate the feelings, symptoms and barriers…well it was life changing…someone to guide me step by step was invaluable…to give me back my life…priceless…’ I will never forget Tracey being at the end of the phone listening, understanding, supporting doctors appointments and letter writing. If it wasn’t for the help from Tracey I would be bed bound, instead with the appropriate treatment I am leading a full life with continued guidance …. I thoroughly recommend getting support from Tracey, she is incredibly knowledgeable and has an amazing gift with joining up the patient/ doctor partnership – I literally owe her my life.
H Butters
I contacted Tracey at a time of sheer desperation, panic and frustration...
I contacted Tracey at a time of sheer desperation, panic and frustration about how my little boy and I were being treated by the NHS. From the very start Tracey was amazing, she helped and supported us above and beyond. Her in-depth knowledge and understanding of the intricacies involved with diagnosis and gaining treatment of b12 deficiency/PA is second to none.
She has vast information about the rules and guidelines surrounding this terribly under treated and under diagnosed condition. She also guides how to apply this knowledge, how to approach doctors and challenge decisions.
She doesn’t just parrot information with no support going forward, she made it her mission to find the best way to get the help we needed that fitted our situation.
I had tried other organisations who promised the earth, until I paid for a subscription, then suddenly they didn’t want to help at all. Others charge for information that Tracey provides on her website for free which shows you the type of person she is.
I’m so glad I found Tracey and was lucky enough to receive her help and support. Tracey has many contacts and has made it her life’s work to be the voice that so many of us have been scared to use. She knows first hand the pain and suffering of misdiagnosis, under or lack of treatment can cause and as it’s an issue she is passionate about. She truly cares about getting the right outcome for each individual situation.
Neither my son nor I were treated when I first spoke to Tracey, we were both in a bad way, for me especially mentally. Watching my son decline I felt entirely helpless, especially when I was up against a broken system, I just wasn’t coping. Tracey listened, supported, understood then set off trying to find ways to help. I genuinely can’t thank her enough, the emotional support she offered was so valuable and she got me through extremely hard times. Both my son and I have the treatment we need now and it’s like a cloud of fog has been lifted. All I ever wanted was for my son to feel better and many times I would be sick with fear about his future, but I’m starting to get my little boy back now. The change was immediate. I contacted Tracey because we desperately needed help but I never knew in the end we would gain such an amazing, kind, genuine friend.
Tracey you’re an angel, thank you for everything.
Chloe Andrews, Surrey UK
Tracey has been a God-send to me...
Tracey has been a God-send to me. I found her via her website during a difficult period when I felt my GP and other health professionals were not taking my symptoms seriously & I was left feeling confused and upset. Fatigue, unexplained pain, depression, anxiety, dizziness and breathing difficulties were all issues. As well as explaining the importance of B12 testing & the lack of knowledge many doctors have about B12 deficiency, she re-assured me in a very calming way that it was easy to make things better and that I was by no means alone in feeling like this. She helped me to access treatment and understand dosing, which I found the thought of daunting, and in many ways I am now feeling the benefits. She is always there to help.
A kind person who clearly wants to pass on her knowledge to help others in a similar position.
Mr C.Castaldo. London
Thank you again for your help Tracey...
Thank you again for your help Tracey, it is appreciated more than I can express. Keep up the great work. Being the person people turn to in their most desperate times I’m sure is demanding in the extreme, which in my eyes makes you a modern day Mother Theresa! Thanks for giving me somewhere to turn.
Dan W
Tracey is a very compassionate and caring person...
Tracey is a very compassionate and caring person. She uses her extensive knowledge of B12 Deficiency to advocate for B12 Deficient sufferers when helping them to write letters or accompanying them to doctor’s appointments. Tracey created and designed her website to make it easier for B12 Deficient sufferers to access information about B12 Deficiency. I often link members of my group to Tracey’s website as is very professional with links to medical research to support the information provided. Tracey is very passionate about advocating for the rights of B12 Deficient sufferers and is a tireless campaigner raising awareness of B12 Deficiency.
Pat Kornic Founder and Admin – Pernicious Anaemia/B12 Deficiency Support Group.
I am amazed at the effect you have had on the nurses...
From October 2017 Lecture to North Wales RCN
I am amazed at the effect you have had on the nurses and students in North Wales Tracey – this is true public/patient engagement at its best! Thank you so much and please keep up the good work even if we wear you out with our constant questions!
Dr Marjorie Ghisoni, Bangor University.
And this from Dr Marjorie Ghisoni; The cost of compassionless care part 1 B12 deficiency misdiagnosis.
When I changed doctors in October 2015, my new doctor...
When I changed doctors in October 2015, my new doctor told me I no longer need my B12 injections. After 7 months of increasingly alarming symptoms and falling B12 levels, I felt I had hit a brick wall. It was then, while I was searching on the internet for information that I came across B12deficiency.info. Even with brain fog, I knew I had found a really good site. After reading through it all I decided to email Tracey and ask for her advice as I was at the point of giving up and not knowing what to do for the best. At the time, I didn’t really expect to get a reply, and if I did, I assumed it would probably be a generic response.
What I got back was an email from someone who has been exactly where I was. There was so much support and advice that I cried. It was such an amazing feeling to find someone who not only cared but understood! Tracey recommended I write a letter to my doctor, which she proof read for me, and advised me on additional information to send to my doctor.
At my next appointment, my doctor, who had previously discussed my case with the other doctors who had concluded I didn’t require injections, told me she no longer agreed with that. She thanked me for my educational letter!
Thanks to Tracey’s wonderful website and personal support I am now getting my injections and my doctor is now much more supportive.
I can’t express how grateful I am to Tracey – Thank you!
Candy Wiltshire
I found the 'What to do next' page completely invaluable...
I found the ‘What to do next’ page completely invaluable, unfortunately my GP who is very kind and helpful, is missing some really vital aspects of B12 treatment. I am so pleased that I found this site and have shared it with my friends and family.
Tracey was instrumental in helping me understand...
Tracey was instrumental in helping me understand my B12 deficiency while I was experiencing severe neurological symptoms and experiencing extreme brain fog. For months I was not able to read even though I read at the college level when I was 11 years old. The numerous medical experts were less than helpful. The only advice they offered is to inject less as my B12 levels were high. Tracey, your help was very important to me when I had no other source and was not able to find any.
I would like to thank you for your helpful advice...
I would like to thank you for your helpful advice. You have been very patient and knowledgeable and without you would never had been having treatment for anaemia and low B12. My GP told me my levels were fine and in-fact I was in need of urgent medication. Your advice was outstanding and I can never thank you enough. I wish you every success and I’m sure others without knowledge like myself will greatly benefit from your help.
Many thanks.
I cannot praise Tracey enough for her focus and effort in correlating so much research...
I cannot praise Tracey enough for her focus and effort in correlating so much research, all of which has been sourced to bring only correct and up to date information to the seeker in regard to PA/B12d. I think the site is a fantastic resource for any inquirer into this debilitating medical condition, whether you are searching for yourself, for a family member, a colleague or a friend. Directing doctors here would be an education for them too and I say that, not out of malice but because until I was diagnosed I was very in the dark as to how vital B12 is for survival and I was, up until final collapse, a senior staff nurse. I particularly like the pink highlighted text which when clicked on will take you to journals or further reading.
I now feel very informed and I have the confidence to be able to verbalise my needs to the medical profession from GP to consultant, who for the most part are not very well informed, understanding or empathetic as to how awful this condition it is. By leading doctors to such site it may result in far better management for us all, B12 may just be a simple vitamin to the many but it’s potential to heal when prescribed correctly is immense.
So on that note all that is left to say is a HUGE, MAHOOSIVE, THANK YOU to the wonderful Tracey Witty for her huge effort, I truly appreciate all your hard work which will enable so very many to have some control over their own healthcare needs.
Gilli Mew
Thanks a million for your website...
Thanks a million for your website. It has answered so many questions for me and my physician is very impressed too!
I would like to give a big thank you to Tracey...
I would like to give a big thank you to Tracey for being instrumental in getting my B12 injections reinstated after 4 months of futile efforts on my own part.
Christina. Lancashire
This is the most comprehensive website I have found...
This is the most comprehensive website I have found on Vitamin B12 Deficiency, it is well written, and covers all I have needed to find in order to gain a diagnosis for my many symptoms. It has been a complete lifesaver for me!
I fully believed in my diagnosis of both fibromyalgia and CFS until...
I fully believed in my diagnosis of both fibromyalgia and CFS until a friend pointed me towards this frankly fantastic site. I was very reluctant but I read through the symptoms list and obviously ticked a great many. I had never been tested for B12 deficiency but I was found to be very low in B12 and folate. Sadly my GP would only give me 3 monthly injections, so now I source my B12 injections online.
I live in South Africa and it was my sister who...
I live in South Africa and it was my sister who lives in the UK who sent me the link to the site, my mother-in-law was behaving very oddly and we thought she must have dementia – how ecstatic we were to find that B12 injections were the answer. Great site, great work!
Thank you Tracey, I wrote a letter with the help of your page...
Thank you Tracey, I wrote a letter with the help of your page and I am now receiving my injections every other day. My doctor could not argue with the wealth of information you make available and now I am being treated properly – I cannot thank you enough!
Ron, UK
I thought I was going insane...
I thought I was going insane, I was seeing things and hearing things and my Dr said I was bipolar. I cannot praise this site enough for flagging up the relationship between mental health and a simple vitamin deficiency! Thank goodness for Dr Google and the support of Tracey, keep up the great work!
I just wanted to write and thank you for such creating such an informative site...
I just wanted to write and thank you for such creating such an informative site. It was only through finding your site that I realised I could buy my own B12 injections over the counter. I was shocked that my Doctor had never told me this even though I was struggling to maintain good health on the treatment level I was allowed. It has changed my life! Thank you so much.
SD, Australia
I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency 12 years ago...
I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency 12 years ago and after my initial loading dose, I felt like life was finally going to get better and did for a while. As time moved on, I battled, thinking I was going mad, then was diagnosed with depression and told that feeling tired all the time was just a consequence of being a busy mum. I just muddled through life thinking that brain fog, tiredness, anxiety and memory problems were just part of who I was.
Last year I started getting weird sensations so I went to the doctors where they told me they suspected a brain tumour and referred straight away for some tests. As you can imagine, this was a very scary time and luckily it turned out not to be a brain tumour, but tinnitus, a problem with the nerves in my brain.
A friend kept posting B12 information on Facebook that had been written by Tracey and so I decided to take a closer look. It turns out that all the symptoms I was experiencing could be attributed to my B12 deficiency so I spoke to Tracey who gave me lots of advice and helped me understand that life didn’t have to be this way.
I contacted my GP and told them how I was feeling, armed with all the information that Tracey gave me and I managed to have more loading doses, my life improved, brain fog started lifting, I wasn’t feeling as tired, I felt better than I had in years. The doctor then decided to stop them, despite all the evidence and put me back on 3 monthly injections. That’s when I decided that there was no way I could live like that anymore.
I contacted Tracey and I can honestly say that without the advice, support and encouragement from Tracey, my life would not be what it is now. Tracey helped me make decisions about what was the best way of managing treatment for me and guided me on how that could be achieved.
So Tracey, I truly thank God for you coming into my life, for your advice, help, time and your patience. You have made my life something that I never thought would be possible for me.
From waking up each morning and feeling awake to saying goodbye to my anxiety, thank you.
Helen Brewin
I found Tracey after searching for information about B12 deficiency...
I found Tracey after searching for information about B12 deficiency following a diagnosis of sensory axonal peripheral neuropathy undertaken by a private neurologist.
Tracey was the only person able to explain and support me through the confusion of how best to deal with B12 deficiency and manage the conflicting information provided (or not provided) by health care professionals. As a mental health nurse myself I felt I should have some level of understanding but I was as muddled as the next person trying to work out the necessity of co factors, dosage etc. I recommended the GP look at Tracey’s website as they were clearly lacking in knowledge. Thankfully I am now self administering the necessary injections and taking the co factors which are making a huge difference.
I cannot thank or recommend Tracey enough, she has been an ongoing lifeline in my continuing journey back to health.
S Stace
The day I found Tracey Witty and her website www.www.b12deficiency.info was the start...
The day I found Tracey Witty and her website www.www.b12deficiency.info was the start of my journey back to health, so I am delighted to write this testimonial. Tracey is a determined, courageous woman of great integrity and I wholeheartedly support and endorse her. She is on a mission to spread awareness about B12 deficiency and to effect change within the NHS and to save lives.
Belinda Goldsmid
Thank you Tracey I am very grateful for all the advice and help you have given me...
I still find it hard to truly understand why B12 deficiency is not top of the NHS agenda...
I still find it hard to truly understand why B12 deficiency is not top of the NHS agenda when we have so much Dementia, Autism, MS and other neurological conditions. B12 deficiency may be a primary deficiency of these conditions and as such is treatable and these conditions are only the tip of the iceberg.
Tracey is an angel to B12 deficiency sufferers. She works tirelessly to bring B12 deficiency to the attention of medics, scientists and the general public. She knows how and where to source. She can save you months of internet trawling because she has sorted the wheat from the chaff when it comes to good information.
Anne Pemberton, Nutrigenomics and functional medicine Practitioner
As a family finding Tracey was a kind of miracle...
As a family finding Tracey was a kind of miracle which improved the quality of our son’s life beyond belief. In his twenties he had a burst appendix which resulted in an operation to have his intestines removed. This caused damage which resulted in the fact that he did not absorb B12. It took many years to discover this fact with doctors blaming his symptoms on many factors. This went on until his thirties as he continually suffered from fatigue, anxiety, getting agitated, unexplained pain, numbness and tingling in his hands and feet plus bad migraines all of which affected his personal and professional life.
However through his strength of mind he did manage to work but with difficulties, so you can imagine as parents how hard it was and how desperate we were to find help. Eventually he did get diagnosed with a B12 deficiency but the amount given was minimal and did not solve his problems.
Tracey was a neighbour and by chance we learnt about her work. We attended her seminars several times with our son as he needed to hear the facts and we learnt he needed much more B12. Through Tracey’s help we were able to gain understanding and come to terms with his problems and start to manage his life and most importantly to get the extra B12 injections he needed. The results were almost instantaneous and he now can control his B12 and his life. He now works as a Director for the BBC and has a happy and normal life.
I tell the story briefly but Tracey was truly amazing, her dedication and passion for this subject, often against all the odds has been outstanding. Her first introduction to the benefits of B12 came from first hand experiences helping herself, family and friends. She slowly fought to find out as much as she could about the health issues and the wide reaching problems caused by lack of B12. She eventually produced and funded the B12 deficiency website sharing the information she had found and organised seminars at the local university, to promote the true picture of B12 and its problems.
Without her I don’t think our son would have coped and I hate to think what would have happened as there was no consistent practical help with lots of conflicting information from professionals.
Words cannot really explain how knowledgable and well informed she is on this subject. Her advantage is she is completely unbiased and is not linked to any health organisation or bound by government funding restrictions. She is an expert in this field through shear passion and you will not find anyone with better knowledge or empathy.
Although Tracey is not medically qualified she has a great breadth of knowledge and understanding re B12 which has earned her respect from people and organisations. It was gratifying to see so many doctors and nurses attending her seminars and how surprised and impressed they were with the information.
We would not hesitate to recommend Tracey. She delivers an honest view of the problems associated with B12 deficiency with practical advice. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Ann, Alan and Alex.
Words can't describe all that you did to help get my derailed life back on track...
Words can’t describe all that you did to help get my derailed life back on track b12 wise, support wise and encouragement wise… how very different my and my children’s lives are now. Your kindness leaves a trail of renewed lives.
Siobhan T. UK
Tracey quietly and calmly produces mechanisms to help people...
Tracey quietly and calmly produces mechanisms to help people, thank you, you are amazing!
Eleanor M. UK
I don’t know what I would have done without Tracey...
I don’t know what I would have done without Tracey – she literally saved my life, providing advice, spreading awareness and challenging incorrect medical guidance.
Anne B. UK
I honestly feel that you have saved my life...
I honestly feel that you have saved my life, with the information you gave me I was able to achieve a diagnosis and treatment after years of pain and confusion.
Simon. USA
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do giving vital information...
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do giving vital information, support and kindnesses, quite honestly I don’t know what we would do without you, your advice and experience.
Hannah. USA
I definitely felt isolated and alone during diagnosis...
I definitely felt isolated and alone during diagnosis and years afterwards continually trying to fight for individual treatment. So I would like to say thanks for great advice from your site and from yourself personally.
Dawn M.
As a sufferer of POTs Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue and SIBO, I came across Tracey's informative website...
As a sufferer of POTs Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue and SIBO, I came across Tracey’s informative website when someone mentioned a B12 deficiency could contribute to symptoms of all three conditions.
I contacted Tracey and she was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. I learned more about the specifics and also what to expect from my GP. As expected, my first appointment with my GP did not go well. I was refused treatment and the premise for this was that the GP was not confident to treat me because he didn’t want to take any risks of treating me for a condition he wasn’t certain I had.
This led to great disappointment; however Tracey supported me through this process, as well as contacting my GP in an effort to inform them of research surrounding B12 deficiency. Thanks to Tracey’s extensive knowledge of B12 Deficiency and her supportive methods, she was invaluable in my pursuit for my overall treatment for my chronic health condition.
Amaad UK.
My son Matthew died at the age of 20 in November 2012...
My son Matthew died at the age of 20 in November 2012, after just seven days detention under the mental health act at the Linden Centre in Chelmsford. Matthew was heavily symptomatic for both B12 deficiency and thyroid dysfunction and despite repeated testing, correct treatment was not given.
Tracey explained this connection between mental illness and B12 deficiency to me. I’m heartbroken that doctors hadn’t treated B12 deficiency found in Matthews case….The outcome could be so very different.
A mother recently contacted me, having terrible troubles with her 9 yr old and suspected ADHD. Doctors planning to start treatment with Risperidone I mentioned Tracey’s site and the mum then mentioned B12 deficiency to her son’s doctor. Tests were carried out. Thank goodness the doctor took her concerns on board. Her son was found B12 deficient and is being treated for that. Mum says it’s early days but improvement noticed almost immediately.
THANK YOU Tracey for continuing the important work you are doing….. saving lives xx
Melanie Leahy
I was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia in June 2020...
I was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia in June 2020. Following which it quickly became clear that my GP had limited knowledge with regard to the treatment, possible symptoms and management relating to Pernicious Anaemia and b12 deficiency. Fortunately I had done some research and my GP was prepared to listen and follow the guidelines.
I received loading doses of hydroxocobalamin injection over many weeks. Resulting in some of the symptoms disappearing, some becoming worse and whilst also developing new symptoms. The problem was now, that my GP’s understanding of any ongoing treatment was only as good as my knowledge. This lead to me struggling to find answers to help with my ongoing symptoms and I had became overwhelmed with all the information. It was particularly difficult as I was experiencing frequent episodes of brain fog and nausea.
One day I was once again reading the information on the b12 deficiency info website and decided to contact Tracey. I am so thankful I did Tracey was able to explain what was happening to me and what I could do to help with my ongoing problems. I am now beginning to feel like my normal self…….it has been a while.
I would just like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Tracey for all her advice and guidance. We are very fortunate that you are there to support us and are working so hard to ensure that health care professionals and others understand the condition and the consequences if it is not treated effectively. Whilst also leading the efforts to allow us to manage our own treatment.
Best Wishes
Jill S
Thank you again for all your help and support...
Thank you again for all your help and support. I had no clue what B12 even was when I was told I had a low level and found my GP not only ignorant of the condition but also dismissive of my symptoms and concerns. At times I literally felt I was going to die, my physical and mental health were both suffering. I stumbled across your site via Google and the information helped me understand what and why I was feeling like this. I emailed you for advice and you responded quickly and with compassion. Your help via phone calls and emails has been immeasurable.
I now have a PA diagnosis and regular injections agreed which I hope will continue to improve my condition. It’s only been a few months and I’m sure the road will be bumpy, but your dedication to providing us with this information gave me the courage to challenge my GP for help and fight this horrible illness.
Thanks again
I came across Tracey at a point in my life when I was at my wits end...
I came across Tracey at a point in my life when I was at my wits end and with no idea where to turn.
I had been going backwards and forwards to my GP for nearly 12 months with a myriad of different symptoms, which viewed individually, would not have seemed such a big deal. However, these symptoms were relentless and had been ongoing for some time and were severely affecting my quality of life, however each time I saw my GP he dismissed my concerns, and offered me anti-depressants. I came across Tracey’s site and that was when my life changed for the better.
I spoke with Tracey, told her my story and the relief I felt was incredible.
Tracey is an incredibly kind person; she is patient, understanding and extremely informative, but most importantly, she genuinely cares and is passionate about helping people to gain access to treatment for B12 deficiency.
Tracey takes a genuine interest and is very willing to share her knowledge and experience. Obviously, the fact that Tracey also suffers with b12 deficiency is a bonus, because she truly understands how this condition can impact on a persons life.
It is hard to find the words to express how grateful I am to Tracey for helping me to change my life. She continues to be a very welcome presence in my life and is always the voice of reason on those occasions when I lose sight of the bigger picture.
Thank you Tracey for continuing to be there for me and for changing my life.
Deborah Cook
Finding Tracey's site was a turning point for me...
Finding the www.b12deficiency.info site was a turning point for me and hugely helpful in pinpointing my symptoms and asking for the right tests to get diagnosed and treated for pernicious anaemia. When my blood test showed low levels of serum B12 my doctor’s surgery prescribed me tablets. Because of the information on this website and with Tracey’s helpful advice, I knew this would not be effective if I had an absorption problems. As my bloods did not show anaemia the doctor said it was highly unlikely I had PA but I pushed for a test and it was positive (which was lucky as it’s often a false negative not to mention that it could have been something else causing malabsorption). I’m now getting two monthly injections for life. I had neurological symptoms, very low energy, anxiety, muscle cramps, brain fog and more.. and the injections have stopped it all and changed my life.
I feel like me again! Thank you Tracey.
Tania L. UK
I am so grateful for Tracey for both the amazing website she has...
I am so grateful for Tracey for both the amazing website she has put together but also for the individual help she was able to provide me. Tracey’s knowledge, support and encouragement enabled me to finally (after 7 years of tests and sporadic B12) get the proper treatment. And if I hadn’t managed to sort this out she was more than willing to step in on my behalf and advocate for me. It’s people like Tracey we need in this fight for such a simply treated illness that can cause devastation, her dedication is second to none.
Thank you so much Tracey!
Amy S. UK
My son was struggling to attend school...
My son was struggling to attend school more than a couple of days a week, he was so exhausted. A friend of mine had suggested B12 deficiency might be the problem. I had never heard of this deficiency and was amazed when I found Tracey’s site. It really opened my eyes. My son was so low in B12 but my GP prescribed B12 tablets for him which did not help at all. I got in touch with Tracey and she worked her magic! Life has transformed for all of us because my son is now back to his old self, back at school and getting used to his lifesaving B12 injections.
My heartfelt thanks to you Tracey!
I was advised by another mum to work with Tracey in order to...
I was advised by another mum to work with Tracey in order to access B12 injections for my daughter. Unfortunately my GP was not listening to my fears about her symptoms and her B12 serum level. Tracey calmly assured me of how we would manage the problem and I am delighted to say that following an email and conversation with Tracey my GP now fully understands the need for B12 injections. Thank you so much for your skill and kindness Tracey, my daughter is now thriving and I will be forever grateful!
Katie M.
I would never have got my 14 year old son sorted out if it wasn’t from the help I’ve received...
I would never have got my 14 year old son sorted out if it wasn’t from the help I’ve received, I honestly can’t thank you enough, they’ve finally started to listen too me once Tracey Witty had spoken to them. I really appreciate all the help received.
Elaine. UK
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