Case studies
These case studies demonstrate just how difficult the situation can be with diagnosis of B12 deficiency. In many cases patients or their families have to battle long and hard to even access testing. If you find yourself in this situation and need personalised help please see the Work with me page.
A long road….
Once tested, even if diagnosed, the road to correct treatment can be long and difficult due to the lack of knowledge of many health professionals.
When B12 deficiency affects mental health it can be incredibly difficult to change the mindset of doctors who may have no understanding of the connection and who believe that drugs or psychotherapy are the only answer. It is not uncommon to be pigeonholed by a mental health diagnosis and not tested for a physical cause for your symptoms.
When assessing people for B12 deficiency it appears that MS (multiple sclerosis) type presentations may be what your doctor understands to be classic signs. This can of course lead to misdiagnosis and can also mean that pre-existing conditions, for example diabetes and thyroid issues are more often than not ‘blamed’ for many presenting symptoms.
Sadly sometimes, as you will see below, the fight to educate has been difficult.
Tom – age 2 years and 10 months… Read Tom’s Story here
Paul – aged 77… Read Paul’s Story here
Sara – aged 42… Read Sara’s Story here
Helena – aged 32… Read Helena’s Story here
Holly – aged 46… Read Holly’s’s Story here
Joshua ‘JJ’ Luckasavitch – aged 13… Read Joshua’s Story here
Ellen – aged 70… Read Ellen’s Story here
You can read about Bettina’s long road to diagnosis and also about Lucie’s diagnosis after her stroke.
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