In November 2012 Matthew Leahy was admitted to a Mental Health Unit – The Linden Centre, Essex where he was found hanged seven days later. He was just 20 years old!
Matthew’s mother Melanie has since become aware of his low vitamin B12 levels, and probable coeliac disease. His symptoms included; psychosis, depression, insomnia, exhaustion, constipation and stomach problems.
I’m reaching out to ask you to sign Melanie’s petition;
From Matthew’s records it appears the first sign of B12 deficiency was recorded in May 2011 at a level of 127pg/ml, reference range 180 -914. In June 2011 low B12 was recorded again.
In Matthew’s notes it states that in July 2011 his B12 level was 154pg/ml and that B12 was prescribed, however, this was not given by injection, if at all, because in August 2011 Matthew’s B12 level had dropped to 122pg/ml.
It is also clear from Matthew’s notes that his thyroid function was impacted.

You can see that below an extremely low level of 122pg/ml is recorded as ‘normal’. Matthew was heavily symptomatic for both B12 deficiency and thyroid dysfunction and despite repeated testing, correct treatment was not given.
At the time of writing the petition has 54,050 signatures.
Melanie’s aim is to have a Public Enquiry into the failings surrounding Matthew’s death in order to help stop this happening again.
Please sign by following this link;
You only need to give your name, email address and postcode and then you must confirm the email from the Petitions Team for your signature to be counted.
There is now going to be a debate on the 30th of November – many of us will have received the email below:
Dear Tracey,
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “I request a full public inquiry into death of my son, Matthew Leahy. (20 yrs.)”.
The debate is scheduled for 30 November 2020.
Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
The connection between poor mental health and low B12 was made over 100 years ago but too many remain untreated despite severe symptoms and low B12 levels. Please see;
If you or your loved ones are experiencing mental health problems and B12 deficiency hasn’t been explored please see; and;
I am also b12 definitely got diagnosed 23 yrs ago.
My daughter struggles with B12 deficiency too as she has PA. Her GP will only give 3 monthly injections. This nasty tory government is to blame as they do not like to spend the money on the health service. They think our taxes belong to them and their rich cronies.
The PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society) may be able to provide support to your daughter.
There is a Pernicious Anaemia Society forum on Health Unlocked.
I am B12 deficiency
Absolutely shocking doctors need more training and given a book called could it be b12 !
Substances like dietery supplements as vit.B12 should be available to common people.
Good luck this is heartbreaking
I have problems to with B12, I was having a B12 injection every two weeks felt great, now a Haematologist who has never seen me says I can only have my injection every 12 weeks, after two weeks I am climbing the walls, do not have the strength to get out of bed, I now have to do what a lot of other people do, and that is buy from abroad, and really hurt myself injecting it,
Why can we not have this injection you cannot overdose on it, and it means we can live instead of existing
It is shameful for medics to be so ignorant on tne subject!
So awful. More needs to be done for people who are B12 deficient or have Pernicious Anemia as I do too. My injections are 12 weekly and I’ve asked for them sooner but I know it won’t happen. This time round I have been feeling so tired and exhausted after 6 weeks. I’ve held on till now, my inj is next weds and it can’t come soon enough. The Drs need to do more in the way of training. Good luck with your petition. I wish you well.
I’ve been b12 deficient for 25 years, I’ve also got severe mental health problems, yet after 25 years I’m left ordering my b12 from abroad and injecting myself on a weekly basis. My heart goes out to you as it’s a disgrace that there is a cheap treatment out there, but GP’s still decide again and again not to give out injectable b12. I’m so sorry at what happened to poor Mathew, I would put the site up, as it’s a reputable company but fear my post would be taken down. It costs me around £80 for a supply that lasts 3 months and keeps my levels correct and my mental health improves. If and when I run out and can’t afford to buy the b12, Depression gets much worse and become suicidal, yet health profession just don’t seem bothered. Best of luck with your petition and my deepest condolences about Mathew.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. I have pernicious anaemia & have battled for years to increase my injections from 12wkly to more frequently yet my GP refuses despite research showing that 12wkly gap leaves patients symptomatic constantly.
Hydroxocobalamin is cheap & effective, I don’t understand why we are left to suffer ….
My sympathy dealing with this …however Petitions are currently on hold – I just got an email from the Petitions Dept – extract below:
The petition will be available for people to read on the site even though it will be closed for signatures. This petition won’t be reopened after the election.
The Government can’t respond to petitions during the election period. This means if the petition has over 10,000 signatures, it can’t receive a response from the current Government after 5 November. After the election, the new Government will have to decide whether it wants to respond to petitions from before the election.
The current Petitions Committee, the group of MPs who decide whether petitions are debated, won’t exist after 6 November. This means that if the petition has over 100,000 signatures, it can’t be scheduled for debate during this Parliament. After the election, there will be a new Petitions Committee, and they will be responsible for deciding which petitions are debated.
The petitions site will open again after the election, but at the moment we don’t know exactly when. You can follow us on Twitter @HoCPetitions for updates, or check back on the petitions site for news if you prefer
I too suffer from PA but a year before diagnosis I was in a stroke ward for 10 days and to this day i know i had no stroke bit all the symptoms of PA