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What if?
A trauma counsellor will advise you to concentrate on the 'what is rather than the what if's" and I would normally wholeheartedly agree, however... What if you feel that life is unbearable, that to carry on simply existing is becoming impossible? What if your tremor...
A decade of campaigning for B12 injections OTC
Trying to make B12 OTC has been a very long and very frustrating ride to date, but on the 8th of May, a Presentation of a Private Members Bill will be made by my MP Jane Hunt.
First NICE Guidance for B12 deficiency in over 16’s
The new and first ever NICE Guidance for B12 deficiency - NICE guideline [NG239] - 'Vitamin B12 deficiency in over 16s: diagnosis and management’ landed with us on the 6th March 2024. Previously all we had was a NICE CKS summary. As a stakeholder I was able to add my...
Who is Dr Kilmer McCully and why do we need to know his name?
If a student of architecture was never taught about foundations of buildings during their eight years of training it would be considered sheer lunacy. But the foundation of human health - nutrition - is barely touched upon in medical education in the western world....
Blocking the path to help
I thought long and hard about writing this blog. It's been in draft form for months, but I finally decided that enough is enough and I want to make it clear, who I am and how I work. At this point I want to give heartfelt thanks to all of you who show kindness and...
10th Anniversary of B12 info!
It's been ten years of some real highs and lows and I just want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all who share information about B12 deficiency! Because you care enough to share, more people get to know about why they feel so ill, they then arm...
Do your family and friends say, ‘doctor knows best’ when it comes to B12 deficiency?
Unfortunately many people who finally find they are B12 deficient have been on a long and winding path having barked up countless trees, potentially, gathering misdiagnoses along the way. Many find their diagnosis themselves, having been nudged toward vitamin B12...
Weight loss injection with serious side effects available OTC…
Weight loss injections can be sold OTC in pharmacies but not B12 injections
My Presentation for the B12 Institute Rotterdam.
I couldn't be at Clara Plattel's B12 institute's fantastic June Conference in Rotterdam, but was so happy to be able to present this film as part of the Patient's perspective. You will see short clips of four lovely people who agreed to share their stories. In...
Vitamin B12 OTC update and NICE Consultation
Read the latest B12 OTC update and how to comment on the NICE Draft Guidelines
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